Course curriculum

  • 2

    Assignments and LIVE SESSIONS: Days 1 through 3

    • Itinerary

    • Required readings and assignments

  • 3

    Day One/Chapter One: Introduction to the Model

    • Course Structure

    • Fidelity

    • EMDR Therapy History and Basics

    • Foundations

    • Models of Psychotherapy and Conceptualization

    • AIP as the Model of EMDR

    • Short and Long Term Memory Storage

    • Comparison to Other Models of Psychotherapy

    • EMDRIA's Definition of EMDR

    • International Treatment Guidelines

    • Bonus articles!

  • 4

    Day One/Chapter Two: Intro to History Gathering

    • Overview of The 8 Phases

    • Intro to History Gathering

    • "Big Ts" and "Little Ts"

    • Trauma, Development, and Attachment

    • Target Lists

    • Developing a Target List

    • Ordering the Target List

    • Identifying Earlier Targets: Floatback Techniques

    • Treatment Planning

    • The Function and Importance of Dual Attention

    • Additional articles

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    Day One/Chapter Three: Assessments for History Gathering

    • General Assessments

    • Mandatory Aseessments

    • Genograms: method and process

    • Genograms: demonstration

    • Administering the PCL

    • Implications of PCL-C Scoring

    • Administering the DES

    • Using the Annotated DES

    • Normalizing "parts"

    • Administering the THQ

    • Understanding Schemas

    • Administering the YSQ and YPI

    • Understanding Implications of Schema Assessment

    • Other Assessments

    • Ace Questions

    • GAD Assessment

    • Impact of Event Scale- Revised (IES-R)

    • Depression Assessment

    • Other Methods of Identifying Targets

    • Extra Articles

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    Day One/Chapter Four: Preparation- Explanations and Metaphors

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    Day One/Chapter Five: Preparation- Closure and Containment

    • Sensory Grounding using 5-4-3-2-1

    • Safe/Calm Place

    • Closure Through Breathing and Somatic Techniques

    • Additional Closure Techniques

    • The Application of Eye Movements

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    Day Two/Chapter Six: Preparation- Resourcing and RDI

    • Aunt Sally's Curtains

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    Day Two/Chapter Seven: Assessment

    • Reprocessing Scripts

    • Introduction to Assessment

    • Setting up an Image

    • Setting up the Negative Cognition

    • Setting up the Positive Cognition

    • Rating the Validity of the Positive Cognition

    • Emotions, SUDS, and Body

    • Bonus article!

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    Day Two/Chapter Eight: Desensitization

    • Fidelity

    • Desensitization

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    Day Two/Chapter Nine: Installation, Body Scan, and Closure

    • Chapter 9

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    Day Three/Chapter Ten: Reevaluation, Three Prongs, and Cognitive Interweaves

    • Chapter Ten

    • Prep for Script Quiz

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    LIVE SESSIONS: Days 4 through 6

    • Readings and Assignments

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    Day 4/Chapter Eleven: Special Situations part 1

    • Standard Script Quiz

    • Special Situations

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    DAY 5/Chapter Twelve: Special Populations part 1

    • Special Populations

    • Special Populations

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    LIVE SESSIONS: Days 7 & 8

    • Readings and Assignments

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    Day 8/Chapter Fifteen: Course Content Wrap Up

    • Comprehension Check

    • Course evaluation